Inoxpa Innova L Sanitary Single Seat Valves

The L type valve is a pneumatic divert single seat valve with diverging flow designed for hygienic applications. The plug is specifically designed to manage diverging flows, given that it closes against the direction of flow (inlet via the central body and outlet via the upper or lower bodies).

Innova L Sanitary Single Seats Valves


Design and features:

  • As standard, the lower body is the closure section, whilst the upper body is for diversion.
  • Simply invert the actuator for upper body closure with diversion to the lower body.
  • Easy to maintain with access to the internal parts by loosening the body clamp.
  • Open lantern allows visual inspection of the shaft sealing.
  • 360º adjustable bodies.

Innova L Sanitary Single Seats Valves (Innova_L.pdf, 1,327 Kb) [Download]