Sanitary Spore Traps

Inline Validation is Easy with Spore Traps
You will never lose spore test strips in your process system again. Rubber Fab’s Spore Traps are designed to securely retain and accurately expose spore challenge test strips for use in steam sterilization when validating. After each validation cycle, the spore traps, with its securely retained test strip can easily be removed and rechallenged.The Spore Trap, an accurate integration of sterilization and spore strip is practical. All this is accomplished without adding special fittings or weld mounts and is easily installed into your sanitary systems. Rubber Fab’s Spore Trap holder is available with and without a thermocouple port. Rubber Fab’s Spore Trap Slotted Hinge Clamp is required for use with this gasket.