Steriflow Mark 978 Inline Series Sanitary Flow Control Valves

Angle style or inline control valve, for continuous precision control of media, process, purified water and clean utilities in the Biopharmaceutical, Pharmaceutical, Food & Beverage and Consumer Health & Beauty industries:

  • Bioreactor/Fermenter process input control: Growth media, buffer, WFI, sparge and blanket gas
  • Separation input and out control: WFI, process, product and waste streams
  • Purification input and output control: Elution media, solvents, buffer, WFI
  • Formulation/Fill Control: WFI and other vessel inputs, blanket gas, dosing pressure
  • Clean Utilities: WFI, pure steam, CIP, clean compressed air & gas
  • F & B and Consumer H & B Process: inputs, outputs, purified water and clean utilities

Mark 978 Inline Series Sanitary Flow Control Valves

Steriflow Valves
Features & Benefits:
  • Jorlon diaphragm with lifetime warranty
  • Mechanically polished internal components – 20Ra (0,5µm) finish, electropolish – standard, 8Ra (0,2 µm) optional
  • Gravity draining/no holdup and a variety of installation orientations possible
  • A variety of true flow characteristics available
Steriflow Valves

Mark 978 Inline Series Sanitary Flow Control Valves (mk978_jdversion__2_.pdf, 532 Kb) [Download]