Steriflow SSC Series Sanitary Steam Traps

Compact, drainable, sanitary condensate chamber and steam trap assembly designed to replace or reduce the 12 - 18" (300 - 450mm) c-c dimension between traditional steam trap and validation sensors. Designed to reduce the time required for heat-up (improves drainage), and prevent condensate back-up during temperature maintenance (validation alarms).

  • Upstream and downstream process vessels
    • To accelerate heat-up and eliminate validation temperature alarms
    • To allow installation of validated SIP drain line/traps where space is limited
  • Mobile or stationary formulation vessel: to expedite SIP heat-up by installation on fixed, validated drain lines

SSC Series Sanitary Steam Traps

Steriflow Valves
Features & Benefits:
  • Increases process availability by:
    • decreasing SIP heat-up time
    • lowering the probability of SIP validation temperature alarms
  • Increases drainage by cooling condensate before entering trap enabling the bellows to contract opening orifice
  • Can reduce CAPex if assembly is purchased per-assembled compared with site fabricated installation
  • Reduces the lineal space required for a validated SIP steam trap downcomber assembly by 80%
Steriflow Valves

SSC Series Sanitary Steam Traps (SSC-series.pdf, 384 Kb) [Download]